Here’s why you Should join Hospitality Saskatchewan!

Since 1934 Hospitality Saskatchewan has been dedicated to safeguarding the interests of the province's tourism and hospitality sector, as well as beer, wine, and spirits distributors, we actively champion the industry's concerns on federal, provincial, and municipal fronts.

By fostering open lines of communication and embracing a collaborative approach, Hospitality Saskatchewan has been able to build strong relationships with government and establish itself as a trusted advocate for the industry.

Here are a few other reasons why you should join us:

  1. Advocacy: Hospitality Saskatchewan advocates for the interests of members and works to influence government policy and regulations that impact the industry. By joining Hospitality Saskatchewan, you can help shape the industry and protect the interests of your business.
  2. Networking opportunities: Hospitality Saskatchewan offers opportunities to network with other professionals in the industry, such as RSPs/vendors, hoteliers, restaurateurs, tavern/pub managers, conference and convention centres,  tour operators, tourist attractions and more. This can be an excellent way to meet potential clients or partners, learn about industry trends, and gain new insights into the industry.
  3. Professional development: Hospitality Saskatchewan offers, through our industry partners professional development opportunities, such as training programs, workshops, and conferences. These events can help you stay up to date on industry best practices, acquire new skills, and improve your business operations.
  4. Marketing and promotion: Hospitality Saskatchewan offers marketing and promotional opportunities, such as our annual member directory, our quarterly member magazine, website, weekly eBlasts and participation in industry events. These can help increase your business's visibility and attract new customers.
  5. Access to resources: Hospitality Saskatchewan, through our industry partners can provide access to resources such as research reports, industry data, and best practice guides. These can be invaluable in helping you make informed decisions and stay competitive in the industry.

Overall, joining Hospitality Saskatchewan can provide many benefits to businesses working in the hospitality/tourism industry. It can be an excellent way to stay connected with industry peers, gain new insights and skills, and advocate for the interests of your business.

For further information call 306-535-2144 or email:

Accommodation Only Hotel     Restaurant / RSP / Tourist Attraction     Full Service Hotel